December 16, 2014 - 4-H Tribal Mentoring Program

Today's edition of Tetewatha:ren featured Connie Gerow and Abby Langdon from the 4-H Tribal Mentoring Program. They updated the community on the Tribal Mentoring Program and also on the opportunity to participate in the Wonders of Washington (WOW) Trip in October 2015. See the full release with contact information contained within and learn how your child can be part of this experience.

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December 11, 2014 - Akwesasne Environmental Health Research

On today's show we have one guest to talk about an event tonight at the Senior's Center in Hogansburg, we have Dana Leigh Thompson, an environmental activist. The meeting is to provide the Akwesasne Community an update on the Environmental Health Research conducted on the territory of Akwesasne for the past two decades.

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December 10, 2014 - 1st Annual Chili Challenge & Kateri's Cookie Jar

Today's topic of discussion is about the 1st Annual Chili Challenge and the Kateri's Cookie Jar 1st Annual Christmas Cookie Sale. The event will be held at the Saint Kateri Center. To tell us more about the event, we have Minerva White, Chair of the Fundraising Committee of the Saint Regis Mission Church and Everett Lazore, a Volunteer for the event.

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December 9, 2014 - Akwesasne TV

We welcome to today's show, Regan Jacobs, Executive Producer for Kahnawake Mohawk TV. She talks about the new upcoming project, Akwesasne TV as part of the SRMT Broadband Project.

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